Real-Time Bridge Health Monitoring and Alert System Using IoT
The system architecture of real-time bridge health monitoring and alert system using IoT mentioned below. Let’s understand the details of the used components of the system architecture. Sensors: Here, we…
Benefits, challenges and future scope of IoT in smart manufacturing
The overview of IoT architecture is mentioned below. The overall system architecture of IoT is shown here. The first layer is the perception layer or smart devices layer. The sensors…
AumRaj’s Wi-Blue IoT Prototype Board (WiFi Bluetooth Board)
The AumRaj’s IoT board includes an inbuilt Wi-Fi and Bluetooth module. This board is feasible for developing IoT-based and BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) based products. This board uses the…
Fleet Prognostic and Health Management System
Big complex systems, like power plants, ships, or fleets are consist of multiple systems, subsystems, and components built on different technologies like mechanical, electronic, electrical, and software. When they are…
Smart Healthcare using IoT
The basic system architecture of smart healthcare using IoT mentioned below. Let’s see system modules of the system architecture Health Monitoring Section: This module consists of hardware components of the…