Client Overview
- The organization needs smart parking assistance and they need to require a smart parking system based on customized requirements.
Business Challenge
- To develop a system that allows people to reserve parking in advance.
- The challenges of the developed system are as follows
- Users can automatically book an online parking spot.
- Use RFID tags to offer accurate results to user and service providers and the selection of cost-effective sensors.
Solution Architecture

AumRaj Contribution
- A developed system which is based on ultrasonic sensors, SMS, and wireless sensor network.
- The system offers payment facilities and a customized parking system.
- Developed automatic SMS sending service by using the micro remote terminal unit.
- A developed system with a secure password and numbers.
- Allow drivers of vehicles to search for the free parking spot effectively using a mobile app.
- The developed system consists of wireless sensors network, embedded web server with a mobile-app.
Benefits Delivered
- Easy online booking of the parking slot.
- Ease of finding a parking spot by mobile-application.
- Automatic payment system based on parking duration.
- RFID tags for payment fees according to time duration.