The basic system architecture of smart healthcare using IoT mentioned below.
Let’s see system modules of the system architecture
- Health Monitoring Section: This module consists of hardware components of the system that makes it IoT enabled. This section operates with various sensors to monitor patient’s health parameters. Raspberry pi used as a central server to which all the sensors are connected.
- Emergency Alert Section: This module helps to be a step taken after an abnormal is detected in the health of the patient and notify his/her family members as well as a hospital. In firmware development, certain threshold values are defined. If this value crossed then SMA or email sent to the patient’s family member or hospital.
Below, various components are mentioned which are used in the system.
- Raspberry Pi: The raspberry pi is a small-size microcontroller with the benefits of a small pc. It offers an entire Linux server and peripherals device connectivity on a single chip. It is very cost-effective. The GPIO pins available on the board and it is used for the I/O purpose system.
- Temperature Sensor: To measure the temperature, the LM35 sensor used. The LM35 sensor is better than linear temperature sensors. The different features of the LM35 sensor make interfacing to the circuit extremely easy.
- Heartbeat Sensor: The heart rate is measured using a pair of LEDs and LDR and a microcontroller. Its works on optoelectronics. The IR light mainly plays a vital role to measure heart rate. The intensity of radiation generates electron-hole pair which in turn produces leakage current. The heart rate is measured by placing the tip of the forefinger upon the sensor. The output is sent to a circuit or a microcontroller to measure the heart rate in BPM .
- GSM module: The GSM module used here in this system is SIM900 which offers a GPRS connection to the system. The module helpful to send messages, make calls or create sockets to provide internet connectivity.
- Vibration Sensor: The vibration sensor functions to senses the shaking of the surrounding. So, we use it here to monitor whether the patient is shivering so that proper aid can be given.
- Blood Pressure sensor: To measure the blood pressure,used a manual blood pressure monitor instead of a digital one due to it is cheaper. It is commonly known as a sphygmomanometer and the kit consists of an arm cuff, a squeeze bulb to inflate the cuff, a stethoscope, and a sensor to read the pressure. Blood pressure is measure using an air pressure sensor. The readings are in the form of electrical signals.
The system can be further improved further by adding artificial intelligence system components to offer to facilitate the doctors and the patients. The data, consisting medical history of many patients’ parameters and corresponding results, can be explored using data mining, in search of consistent patterns and systematic relationships in the disease.
The IoT is the interconnection of devices, sensors, and network connectivity that enhances these entities to collect and exchange data. The dynamic characteristic of IoT in the healthcare system is the constant monitoring of a patient through checking various parameters.