The system architecture of smart farming using IoT is mentioned below:

Let’s understand the details of the used components of the system architecture.
Arduino UNO: It is a microcontroller. It is based on ATMEGA 328P. It has 14 digital inputs/outputs pins. From 14 digital I/O pins, 6 can be used as PWM outputs, 6 analog inputs. Also, there is a 16MHz ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack and, an ICSP header (In-circuit serial programming) and, a reset button.
DHT22 Sensor: The DH22 sensor is a basic, low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. Using a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor, it can measure the temperature and humidity of surrounding air. It can also give information about stickiness in the yield field.
GSM module: This is used to connecting the device to another GSM device enabling IoT connectivity and remote monitoring. It will send data to the registered set of devices and cloud for analytics.
Ph sensor: The ph sensor will help to get readings from the soil. Using these readings, we can track the health of the soil. It can help us to find the efficiency or deficiency of pesticides or fertilizers.
Let’s see how the system architecture works:
The IoT based smart farming helps to understand the best need for farming. The system architecture consists of an Arduino Uno microcontroller, DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor, ph sensor, and GSM module as shown in the figure. Whenever the physical parameters detected underneath, the notification will be sent to the farmer. The Arduino Uno boards control the whole system and process the data. Sensors sense all the physical parameters and convert the simple impulse and send data to Arduino Uno. Temperature and humidity sensors are utilized to quantify the temperature and moistness separately on the field. pH sensor used to sense the pH level of the soil. The GSM module used to offer communication between the system and the farmer’s cell phone or device.
The system first checks the parameters of the soil. The temperature and humidity values are less or more than the threshold are checked. If the values are less or more than the threshold value, the message alert will be sent to the farmer. Same way, if the pH value will be varied from the threshold value, the message alert will be sent to the farmer.
Traditional farming and smart farming both are different. Traditional farming uses old strategies for farming. Also, it uses old tools and gadgets. Whereas, smart farming utilizes new innovations likes IoT sensors, Internet, GSM module for notification. Smart farming helpful to understand soil fertility, the best condition to plant, water quality.
IoT-based smart farming helps farmers lot to know many factors. Threshold values for environmental conditions like temperature, humidity, pH levels can be fixed depending on the ecological states of that specific area. Using this smart farming system, farmers easily know these climate parameters.