Why Choose Aumraj Design Systems ?

- AumRaj means group of expert people in VLSI-Semiconductor and product engineering.
- Our motto is customer satisfaction, to maintain healthy & long-term relationship with client, being a leader in using state-of-the-art technology, and effective management.
- We emphasize in productivity and strong quality, thus we discover best tech-savvy engineers who always give their highest output to achieve your desired goal within proper time constraints.
- We believe in what we do. Our industry’s best people help you deliver your required result to meet your demand with best possible approach in least time. We have people which understands client with all his needs and goal for project completion.
- AumRaj’s customer portfolio is among the industry’s top rated elite semiconductor companies.
Business Challenge
- Require deployment of system into logistic vehicle.
- Overall system design should be compact.
- Detection system should be able to detect driver’s eye accurately and in real-time.
- Design and Developed power supply which consumes low power and makes system power efficient.
Solution Architecture

AumRaj Contribution
- Developed algorithm on eye aspect ratio to detect drowsiness.
- To meet the cost-effective criteria, choose AT89s52 microcontroller.
- Based on customized requirement, add temperature sensor LM35 to detect temperature.
- Use eye-blink sensor for the drowsiness detection.
- Research to select suitable buzzer for the alert system.
- Build algorithms that can differentiate categories of intrusive and non-intrusive detection.
- Developed various flow-charts for the execution of firmware.
Benefits Delivered
- Real-time drowsiness alert system.
- Compact hardware size
- Easy to install in the vehicle
- Buzzer for the live alert